Internal Medicine
I was born into a highly educated family. My aunts and uncles were deeply involved in science, medicine and nutrition and along with my mother, they have inspired me tremendously. My mother had a bachelor’s degree in English but she was always studying nutrition books and doing research on the benefits of every fruit and vegetable. She fed us the best organic foods combined with fish oil, ginger, cinnamon, turnips, vinegar, garlic, turmeric, etc. I majored in math and physics in high school. Then completed my midwifery degree from Guillan University in Iran and moved to the United States in November 1988. I received a bachelor degree in chemistry and biology from East Tennessee State University in April 1992. I was awarded the “Outstanding Graduate Chemistry Major” that year and was directly admitted to the PhD program in biochemistry. While studying biochemistry I was accepted to medical school there and came to Dallas for an Internal Medicine residency. Then I moved to Jacksonville, Florida to complete my fellowship in Women’s Health and Gynecology at the Mayo Clinic. While studying there I researched hormones and with direction and help of my outstanding mentor, Dr. Michael Born, I submitted a paper on Hormone Replacement Therapy after Breast Cancer.
I moved back to Dallas in August, 2003 to be near my sister and niece, Nikki, whom I both love and adore.
During all these years witnessing medical treatments failing for the most part, I started doing my own research in food and nutrition to treat diseases. With my mother’s teachings and my background in biochemistry, I decided to alter the way I practice medicine.
I have written two books so far. The first one, “Doctor of ‘No’ Medicine”, which summarizes the main nutritional deficiencies that are the base of most human illnesses and how to prevent illnesses. The other book, “Breast Cancer, Why Me”, is based on the research that I did at the Mayo Clinic and is the answer to main questions each woman has about hormones, the kinds of hormones that cause breast cancer and how to prevent that.
I have to emphasize that my supporting staff and intuition of my clients who were seeking and researching alternative ways of therapy has added tremendous success to the way we practice medicine.
Because of growing demand for nutritional alternative medicine, we added a new plan to consult clients in the convenience of their homes. We have both skype and ovoo plans available to interview clients on computer face-to-face from their homes, so we eliminated the distance barriers and costly travel arrangements using this plan. Now we are able to provide five star care to our distant customers as well.
Yours in good health,
Lida Aghdam, M.D.